The Principles of ReRev

We firmly believe that how we do business and interact with clients is just as important as what we deliver. Our principles are the cornerstones guiding our strategic approach, consulting methodology, and daily operations. Founded on 8 key principles that shape the culture and define our values, they differentiate us in how we accelerate growth for startups and high-impact leaders. Ingrained in every aspect of work, from building teams to leveraging emerging technology, the principles were developed based on the accumulated wisdom from experience consulting, researching, teaching, and investing in innovation. In this blog post, we’ll dive into each principle, why it’s critical for success, and how we uphold it when partnering with clients. Get an inside look at the philosophies driving our bespoke approach to igniting meaningful growth for changemakers.

1. Defining the Problem is Defining the Business

A business is an entity that solves a problem for a qualified customer. We help clients precisely define the problem their business solves and for whom, so we can identify target customer segments, prioritize based on willingness to pay and ease of acquisition, and then build sales & marketing processes to reach those beachhead segments. We guide startups to focus on nailing product-market fit for beachhead segments first before attempting to serve broader markets. Precision in defining the core problem and target customers is key.

2. Sales and Marketing: Two Sides of the Same Coin

While sales and marketing functions are often presented as two separate processes, we don’t believe that mindset is helpful for startups. We implement integrated CRM systems, lead routing rules, and revenue operations processes to snuggly align sales and marketing. This enables tight collaboration through shared databases, coordinated messaging, and regular pipeline reviews. We establish consistent touchpoints between sales and marketing to optimize lead generation, follow-ups, and deal closing. This unity is key for startups to efficiently acquire and expand customer accounts. 

3. Leverage Tech for Impact

We stay on the cutting edge of emerging technologies to identify automation, streamlining, and data/AI solutions that can be matched to client needs. Our focus is leveraging tech for high-impact areas without over-engineering. We help clients avoid getting distracted by vanity metrics or "nice to have" features. Technology should serve core business and customer needs.

4. Your Network is Your Net Worth

Through our extensive networks, we connect clients to specialists in law, finance, product development, recruiting, sales, and more to assemble the dream team that perfectly complements founders' skills. We leverage our connections to find ideal partners to fill capability gaps and accelerate growth, emphasizing finding local talent whenever possible to build the ecosystem. Our network expands the startup’s network. 

5. People First, Profits Follow

Take care of the people that take care of you. Stewardship is the foundational pillar of leadership. We believe in taking care of our people and teaching the leaders we support to do the same. By prioritizing the whole human being, teams can create psychologically safe work cultures that respect work-life boundaries. Well-managed companies see less burnout. Team members can be fully present and productive when they can trust defined working hours. This fosters better teams and safer environments.

6. Information is Power

We implement centralized knowledge management systems to capture market insights, customer data, product specs, best practices, and make them easily searchable. Knowledge gets shared, not lost in silos. Organizing information unlocks its value. We optimize information flow to inform strategy and operations.

7. Inch by Inch

…life’s a cinch! Mile by mile, life’s a trial. We impart the mindset of breaking big goals into step-by-step plans with milestones to maintain momentum. Regular retrospectives drive continuous incremental improvements. We coach teams to celebrate small wins, learn from mistakes, and iterate. Compounding many small gains is more sustainable than hunting "big bang" solutions. Progress compounds over time through consistency.

Running a startup and honing in on the operations that lend to having a well managed company is an iterative process. We know that. But it can be something that gets lost for newer companies. In order to get team buy-in with new processes, we take it one day at a time and encourage them to breathe so they have enough gas left in the tank for tomorrow.

8. Align on Outcomes

We help startups define Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to set measurable goals and benchmark success. Rather than reactive planning, we take a disciplined approach to strategic planning and metrics-based execution. Setting the right goals and benchmarks is imperative to maintaining focus when the urgent takes over.


The Customer-Centric Shift: The Art of Focused Business Growth